The beginning of school year jitters could be banished with this proven and tried method of success preparation for the classroom.
The late Nelson Mandela said that “Education is the greatest weapon that we have to change the world.” This coaching practice which I am blessed to have all started with me wanting a coach and searching high and low for it but I didn’t find it. So I decided to become that coach for my fellow colleagues.
This course- Your WAND Magical Classroom- was made with you in mind and heart. You are the core of this course. In this video below, I discuss 5 ways that make this possible. Remember that downtime is just as important to success as working hard, but knowing how to use those precious days productively can make all the difference.
Are teachers born or made? This is a very popular question in the community of education stakeholders- Students, parents, administrators and teachers. I say that it is not one or the other. I think that it can actually be both. However, the general presumption is that a teacher is made. Why? Because even natural born talents have to be nurtured. That’s why I am so proud of you for purchasing this introductory course and sticking with it and completing it.
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